  • The 5th International Congress of Technology Addiction

    With the support of the Culture, Society and Family Association (KULT), Green Crescent organized the 5th International Congress of Technology Addiction on June 2–3, 2021. The congress, held online, brought together the world's leading experts, and representatives of institutions and organizations operating in the field of digital addiction, and addressed many aspects of technology addiction, from screen use to social media, from online gaming to gambling, covering also the effects of the ongoing pandemic.

    Green Crescent pioneers numerous studies and researches at national and international levels aimed at the prevention the negative consequences of technology and the Internet, and has been actively involved in efforts to counter the negative effects of digital technologies on human life by organizing the International Congress of Technology Addiction since 2012.

    Invited to the congress were four keynote speakers who addressed the issues of COVID-19 and gaming disorders, healthy gaming habits and addictions, approaches to the prevention of technology addiction and the effects of in-game spending on addiction.

    A total of 36 speakers, including 16 foreign speakers from 16 countries, participated in the congress, speaking on various themes that included digital addiction, the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, the relationship between gaming and gambling addiction, and the excessive use of social media and smartphones. The opening speech of the congress was made by Green Crescent President Prof. Mücahit Öztürk, whereas the keynote speakers were Prof. John B. Saunders from the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, University of Queensland; Prof. Joel Billieux from the Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne; Prof. Hae Kook Lee from Uijongbu St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University of Korea; and Assoc. Prof. Daniel King from Flinders University.

    The 5th International Congress of Technology Addiction intended to review the current global situation in technology and internet-based behavioral addictions, to closely follow the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on behavioral addictions, to monitor prevention, treatments, policies and advocacy activities implemented in various countries, to inform researchers, practitioners and decision-makers on new strategies developed for digital addictions and alternative approaches.
    The congress covered the following themes:

    • Digital gaming
    • Behavioral addiction
    • Online pornography
    • Online gambling
    • Excessive use of social media
    • Excessive use of smartphone
    • COVID-19 

    The 5th International Congress of Technology Addiction was held over 2 days and 7 main sessions with the contributions of,

    • 17 countries
    • 29 speakers
    • 3,000 participants.